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Thursday, May 12, 2011

YouTube Launches Top 100 Chart for Music

YouTube says: The YouTube 100 measures song traffic across official music videos, user-uploaded videos and viral debuts, and uses this data to provide a holistic view of song popularity. The new chart is published weekly, and shines a new light on the YouTube community’s engagement and creativity.

The YouTube music chart is located on the YouTube Music page. Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and other pop stars fill out most of the list, but there is defiantly some classic YouTube oddities such as “Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2” that made the list.

Do you think this is good for indie artists or just another way to promote mainstream music?"

My answer to that is this...

There are several sites I have seen that are combining “Mainstream” and “Indie” numbers in charts etc. The problem with this is it’s like comparing AAA baseball attendance with Pro ball playoff ticket sales – they have nothing in common. Charts should be indicators of the strengths and weaknesses of “like” competitors. You wouldn’t put a welterweight boxer in a ring with a heavy weight boxer and expect a fair fight. The problem is we don’t have a way of honestly measuring one artist against another in order to more fairly categorize them yet. What determines the difference between an Indie, a Major Indie and a Major artist? When we come up with that answer we will have created a more fair charting system that all artists will appreciate.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Holly Bobo, A Prominent Psychic, & a Mother’s Primal Fear | psychiccarlabaron

Holly Bobo, A Prominent Psychic, & a Mother’s Primal Fear | psychiccarlabaron

Tennesse Back Roads

I took a wonderful drive today from Downtown Nashville to East Franklin and took some back roads to get there. I was so amazed at how beautiful the farm/ranch land is 'round these parts and how many hidden treasures there are just a short drive from the city. I had to go through 2 one-lane tunnels to get to where I was going and realized it had been a long time since I had slowed down long enough to even contemplate the way time can stand still in some parts of Tennessee. After that wonderful drive I had the fantastic pleasure of spending the afternoon with Chas Sandford and his lovely girlfriend Ashley. We worked out a few ideas for promoting his new album, "Wag More, Bark Less" and then I took the amazing drive back home. What a treat and what an amazing talent - what a lovely day and what a fool I am for not getting out into the country more often.